Announcement 2

Announcement 2

11 November 2020

To All Our Valued Seafarers:
We hope to reach each one of you in good health and safe amidst our present situation here in the Philippines. Just one more month to go and the year 2020 will be another year to look back in our memories.

Nine months counting since March when this COVID-19 lockdown and quarantine started. This equates to one full contract onboard with income out of our onboard employment. Sad to say though that this is only a supposed reality. Our Filipino seafarers are scattered everywhere since the lockdown; stranded in their homes and/or dormitories either in Manila or in their provinces. We are all on the waiting and hoping stage that hopefully this pandemic will be over for good soon.

I take this opportunity to call on and ask help from all our Lydia Mar seafarers to come out and regain our slots in the seafaring industry. Our manned vessels still demand for Filipino officers and crew without second thoughts. The need to embark on these vessels are still open for November and December this year. We do not know what the future holds especially in times of uncertainty. Thus, we Lydia Mar (Manila) Inc. sound our horn to call on our LMM seafarers to COME ABOARD NOW!!!.

P.S. You may reach me through my mobile or fb account.

LMM Management